
Future Views | Toolkit

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Future Views Toolkit

June-October 2016 
Client Bridge Organisations & LCEPs
Working at Flow
(project to be fully updated when all the resources become available online)

Future Views was a forward-looking research project, creating tools to help imagine the next generation of cultural learning in 20 years’ time.
Royal Opera House BridgeArtswork and Festival Bridge were working together with Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) across the South East and have commissioned  Flow, to organise a series of discussions and a toolkit, to explore how emerging technologies, organisational behaviours and critical trends in the world might shape cultural learning in a local context.

We used processes inspired by Speculative Design to create inspiring tools that are rooted in reality while unleashing imagination about the future. We worked with groups of young people and experts in three locations, and also online, to explore big questions about making and consuming culture, learning, and working in the future. The object of this was to produce three local Route Maps to 2036 – suggesting paths to preferred futures in terms of creative, cultural and digital learning.

The Future Views Toolkit is going to be made available to any other cultural learning partnerships to help plan their own local Route Map to 2036. However, On this website I can only disclosure what happened on one of the three locations we worked in, as the toolkit hasn't been released online yet.


When designing this workshop toolkit we had the following restrictions:

- the target ranged from 13-17 y/o
- it would have to be easy to print or make at school (considering most only have b&w printers with A3 being the biggest size)
- it should not take up more than 90 mins
- it would have to be downloadable online (as it will eventually be a worldwide tool)
- it would have to be easy to record and store for further analysis

We came up with a toolkit that allows students to draw in a big sheet of paper, and to build up their future views. 
